Home > About the initiative > Principles of Good Practice in vertical relationships in the Food Supply Chain
Principles of Good Practice in vertical relationships in the Food Supply Chain
In November 2011, 11 members of the EU level multi-stakeholder dialogue adopted a set of Principles of Good Practice. These principles provide a framework for conducting business that respects contractual freedom and ensures competitiveness. The document also contains a list of examples of fair and unfair practices in vertical trading relationships.
The 11 signatory organisations are AIM, CEJA, CELCAA, CLITRAVI, Copa Cogeca, ERRT, EuroCommerce, Euro Coop, FoodDrinkEurope, SMEunited (formerly UEAPME) and Independent Retail Europe (formerly UGAL).
Please find the Principles of Good Practice in 23 languages below. Please note that in case of doubt with the translations, the English version would prevail.